Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rants and Raves

Rave: Monterey is a beautiful, wonderful place to hold a conference.

Rant: The Conference Center and associated hotels don't have free WiFi. Huh??
Information Today paid a service to have WiFi in the conference center, but too many people tried to connect, and many couldn't get on. Next time I come, I'm staying at a cheap hotel with free WiFi.

Rant: Why is there a conference CD (Win a free portable CD player). Huh? Why not downloadables?

Rave: The younger generation of librarians is cool, hip, and awesome. For those of you out there who are the same, this is the conference for you.

Rave: Stephen M. Cohen, one of Suffolk's original Live Librarians, was a presenter here. What's the latest in RSS feeds? Stephen knows.

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